
2012 in Review: The Missing Food Photos

As 2012 comes to a close, I decided to open the floreakeats mailbag and respond to the many, many questions from readers. Okay, one question from one reader. That I possibly invented.

Q: Iknow2138 Asks: What the hell kind of food blog is this? A proper food blog includes A) Recipes and B) Photos of food. This blog sucks.

A: This is a “different” kind of food blog. It’s a blog for people  who are interested in anal bleaching, Guy Fieri and random complaints from me rather than recipes for cupcakes. But since you ask, I have indeed taken photos of food in 2012.

In fact, I have a whole lovely gallery of photos of foods that I made and others that I purchased in places such as New Orleans, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Maine and Boston. I tend not to put food photos in my food blog because that is, uh, rather obvious. But here we go.

I hope that in 2013, my blog will better meet your expectations. But I doubt it.